Thursday, March 25, 2010

Here we go again!

Okay guys, I have not written in a WHILE! It's because I'm a jerk. I have been doing NOTHING worth blogging about.... or so I thought! Last week, I didn't swim and I ate at a buffet and stuffed myself so full, my pants didn't fit for 3 days; but guess what happened? I lost another 1.5 pounds that week! I guess I'm doing better than I thought. :) I still have about 6 weeks until doomsday, (Alaska!) and I really seriously hope to be 15 pounds lighter in that time. So! Yet again... after taking a not so much needed break, I am climbing right back up on that wagon and buckling down! Smaller portions, less carbs, NO DAIRY! I've been eating the occasional cheese now and then, but I haven't had any cows milk, sour cream, yogurt or other forms of dairy for about a month! Maybe that's why I'm still losing weight...? In any case, I haven't given up yet, folks! I am on the radar again! Thanks to those of you who show support... 11 followers! Gettin up there! :)

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