Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 38: The Ugly Truth...about GS Cookies

AAAAhhhhh!!!! There I was, being soooo gooood! FEELING so good!!! Grrr.... okay, OKAY! Let's just take this one step at a time. So, for breakfast I caved and had two crepes fillied with pb&j and topped with powdered sugar. But it's okay, cause I swam an extra lap (I'm up to 16 now! Woot!). Then I took my dog to the dog park and stopped to get a small frozen yogurt...(pistachio: it kind of tasted like tanning lotion, but in a good way.... weird). Pheobes was sooo good today! She was running and PLAYING with the puppies! It was so cute- she NEVER plays. So I was happy. Lunch was ALMOST as amazing as the hamburger salad, which I haven't had in a while, and I think it's high time I had another. 'Portabello mushroom burger=YUM' Okay, but for reals. I didn't even miss the meat. I sauteed the mushroom in 2T of olive oil and put it on a SaraLee thin bun with lettuce and tomatoe and green godess dressing. It was SO GOOD! I mean, I could have eaten 12 of them. But I didn't. Just one and a nutri-grain bar. Good, right? Well, wait for it. :( So... there I was, minding my own business... I was going to the grocery store to post flyers of my friends lost dog... (it's a good deed! Don't people usually get rewarded for good deeds?!)... when I saw them. Just outside the grocery store... so innocent and tempting ALL AT THE SAME TIME: GIRLSCOUTS. AND THEIR MOTHERS. AND THEIR COOKIES. THOSE DAMN COOKIES!!! In my heart, I prayed the price of GS cookies per box had gone up. That somehow, they would be more than the $10 cash I had in my pocket. You know, charity, for a good cause, extra super expensive cookies or something?! No. $3.50 a box. I bought two boxes. And I ate half a box before I got home. AAAAHAHHHHH!!!!! :( I hate girlscouts. On the bright side, I went on a date last night. This guy, Dave, (names have been changed to protect the gorgeous) admitted to me that he'd eaten a whole box of lemonades today. That made me feel better. He says the cookies are like crack. Whenever he buys a box, he feels like saying, "Hey man, you got my shit? I need that shit!" while he's slipping them the money all sly and on the DL. Bahahaha!!! It's so true! Hee hee hee.... Anyway, we both felt like salad would be a good option, so we went to Rubios, but he ended up with a burrito and I had a 'wrapsalada'. A salad in a tortilla. Cause I needed the calories. Sigh. On a good note, we saw the Crazies. And even tho I've deemed Day 38 a flop, at least I'm not a poisoned water consuming head case bent on driving a pitch fork through people or locking them in a closet in a house that I then set on fire. I mean, all in all? I guess I can't be too put out. :P

PS... I just read all the comments on Day 37! I LOVE you people! Okay, thanks to my skeester for putting the word, 'regular' in a mexican accent in my head. (I can't stop saying it now!) It sounds like this: rrre-goo-lahrrr. Hahaha!!! FUNNY! And Benjamin, I have NO idea what you're talking about, but somehow I can imagine you looking at those lights in a daze and saying how pretty they are. ESPECIALLY in a turtle suit! Think Franklin meets Bill & Ted. Hahaha!!! McKenna Rae, I love you more than LIFE ITSELF!!! And I love that you can hear my voice when I write. I try my best to put myself into my blog, and I'm happy when I know I've pulled it off. :P AND PAM!!! Thanks for the compliment! Who knows? Maybe one day I'll make it BIG and I'll give a huge speech and say things like, 'It's all thanks to my fans on!' Sigh... one can only hope! Thanks you guys! Love you all!

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