Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 35

Progress yet again! Woot! So, I've been doing the Wii fit for the last couple of days and I think it's a lot of fun and really helpful! It charts my wieght, my BMI and all my activities and weight loss goals. Plus I have my very own personal trainer who always loves me and is free whenever I want her to be. Anyway, everyday I've measured .09 Ibs less than the day before! That's almost a pound a day! Unhealthy, you might ask? Not at all! I'm only doing what my body asks, and in turn, it's doing as I ask! Or something. I don't know, I just sprouted out what my head was thinking to justify a pound a day. I mean, obviously I'm happy and not actually concerned about whether it's healthy or not. I haven't really been paying much attention to WHAT I eat so much as HOW MUCH of it I eat. My 'trainer' told me to be sure and eat slowly so that when my stomach catches up with my head (it takes about 20 minutes), I will know that I'm full and I can stop eating so I don't overdo it. This is something I've always known, but never put into action. :) Also, I've really been drinking a lot of shakes. At least 2 protein shakes a day and then a variety of non-protein shakes when I get the munchies. (ex: 1 banana, 2tbs pb and 1/2 c ice 1/2 c milk=VERY delicous shake.)
So on the food front: I had a bowl of Fiber One flakes with Soy milk. I can't usually tell the difference between reg and soy milk, but I think that's because it's always mixed in the shake. But I could taste it in the cereal! It tasted sweet and vanilla-y. Well, it was vanilla flavored soy milk, but I still wasn't expecting it. :) Meh. I also downed a protein shot before going swimming. 12 laps! YAY! I'm sooo a swimmer. You should have seen me. Goggles and swim cap. I'm so hot. Oh, not to mention I wear a sports bra with my swimsuit. No, really. 'The girls' are just CRAZY without a bra, so I have to! At least they're both black so it doesn't look THAT bad. Tee hee... Okay, so! (I'm supposed to be leaving for a date in like, 5 secs, so I hope you don't mind if I run through this...) For lunch I had a turkey sandwich on my fav saralee 45 calorie bread, an apple and LOTS of water. (this is the secret key to feeling full. Until you have to pee 12 times in 1 hour, then you're hungry again. Go figure.) For dinner I had mashed potatoes and fried chicken. Ok, soooo not good for me, but sooo good for me! :) I suck. But I don't! Cause the Wii told me I was 20 years old. Double woot! Oh, I also ran around the local park for two hours with Matthew chasing a styrofoam airplane and turtles. Ha. Oh, I love my life. Such great weather we're having! I wore a tank top today! Yay! :)

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