Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 42: CHEATER!!!

Love Ben. Who knows that I love Ben, raise of hands? *sigh...
Ok, so I usually measure myself around 2pm everyday. But today I measured myself at 7am.... I needed a boost of good juju. (Fyi, if you measure yourself in the mornings, you're bound to be just a little lighter than the afternoon, due to a solid 8 hours of no eating, just digesting....which is why you should actually always weigh in in the mornings - after you poop.) So! My confidence is boosted, cause I weighed in 1.3 Ibs lighter than yesterday! Woot! Okay, swimming here I come! Hee hee... but let me tell you about yesterday, day 42.
I started off bad, but not so much. I made pancakes for the girls, and obviously made myself some too. (I heart pancakes.) But I put butter on them that tasted freezer burnt, so I only had a few bites. No, really. Like - 3 bites total. I swam my 30 laps only this time it was easier. It took me about 45 mins this time, so I'm 15 minutes away from my goal. Harder, faster. I can do it. I know I'm getting better, cause I can actually breath the whole time now. It was hard for me to breath correctly when I first started, and I found myself keeping my head out of the water most of the time, but yesterday I did the whole shebang, breathing and all. No problems. :) For lunch I did HORRIBLY cause I usually eat with Matthew, but when I got to work I found he had already eaten, so I was forced to stop by somewhere on our way to the Natural History museum and pick something up - McD's. Oh, my old friend. I will not lie. I had my old favorite: 2 Hot n Spicey McChickens with tomato and a large fry. Okay, that's not all. My cousin, Anya, came with me, and she ordered chicken strips and didn't eat them all. Damn her. I had two of them. The were tasty. I'm SUCH an EATER! Gah! But anyway....Dinner was the only really sensible meal I had: Italian sausage with grilled peppers and onions. Mmmmm. It was delicious. Oh yes, and somewhere in the day I also had one of those 100 calorie packs; chocolate covered pretzels. YUM.

Oh, and this just in: I may have a stalker. His name is Ryan Facebook. Okay, 'Facebook' isn't his real last name, but again: changing names to protect the handsome. I kind of 'hope' he's stalking, anyway. Let's be on the look out, shall we? Mmmm....

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