Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 47

PAM!!! Thanks for your comment! It was so sweet, I read it like, 12 times before I wrote todays blog! Comments like yours are what keep me committed to my blog. I love you and your support....and you can tell BOB that he is TOTALLY missing out! :)

Weigh day today! WOOT!!! I'll post my 'success' (premature thinking is ALWAYS a good idea...) tomorrow. I did awesome yesterday. Started with a banana and water for breakfast. NOT ideal, but better than nothing, and I was running out the door... why, you ask? I'll tell you why! I went to church! GO ME! Hahaha... for the first time in almost a year, I went to CHURCH! It was actually awesome. The sermon was all about abortion and politics. A new church, with a pastor named Odor. Pastor Odor. Baha! But he didn't stink! He was great! I went to IHOP for lunch after, and I was SUCH a good girl this time, ordering a mushroom and spinach omelet (I didn't even eat the whole thing... it was HUGE) and a side plate of fruit. Half way through my fruit, my 3 yr old date started helping himself, so we shared it. Hahah!! It was cute tho, cause he kept saying, "Hey look! Another gwape!" And ate all my 'gwapes'. Then I teased him that he must not like watermelon, and of course, he then tackled all of those too. Hee I didn't eat dinner until like, 10 o'clock at night...(bad me...) but it was SOOOO good when I did! 2 oz of roasted pork tenderloin with roasted small potatoes and steamed broccoli. You know me... meat and potatoes are ALWAYS a treat! I didn't swim, cause the pool is closed Sundays and no park either...I'm a bad dog mommy. :( We're going on Wednesday no matter WHAT the weather is. I feel so bad!

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