Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 34: I'm a CANCER!

So, I've discovered my excersize secret. I love swimming. Like, not just love it, but LOVE it. And not just playing in water... real life, goggles, laps and all... swimming. I LOVE IT!!! Yesterday was day 34. I walked for 15 mins on the treadmill in the morning...(3 miles an hour. Ryan, you're a complete phsyco. No one 'walks' at 5 miles an hour). Then I swam at the local YMCA. I told myself I would do 5 laps, since I haven't been to swim in a while. When I got to 5 I didn't want to stop. I did 10 laps! And I could have done more! I just didn't have the time. I was so excited because after showering and dressing all I could think about was getting back there and doing it again! I could feel all the muscles in my body working and I was SUPER duper sore right after, but I sat in the hot tub and stretched and I didn't feel sore AT ALL this morning! Yay. When I shared this with my friend, McKenna, she was all, 'well of course. You're a cancer.' The cancers sign is the crab and our element is water. Huh. Maybe that's it. :) Then, at work I played on the Wii fit and it said that I burned a total of 112 calories, so that's good. I was so active today! Yay me! And food wise I did EXCELLENT. Well, except for a box of whoppers late at night. Fff... there HAS to be room for error, okay? Anyway, I had a protein shake for bfast and lunch, but I supplemented it with an apple in the am and half a turkey sandwich with lunch. And by the way, you can really open your eyes to good eating when you look at the nutrition labels of the food your consuming. I had a choice between whole grain bread slices or those new diet buns that are supposed to be so good for you; but when I examined the nutrition labels, I found that good old SaraLee whole grain, low calorie bread has fewer calories, sodium and carbs, with more dietary fiber to boot! Ha. Take that, diet fads. :) Around 3pm I got really munchy so I had some roast beef and brocolli. Dinner was a whole chicken breast with brown rice (only 1/4 a cup. Still trying to keep my carbs low, but I just CAN'T cut them out completely!) and some yummy steamed carrots. :) I topped it all off with a delicous glass of Autumn Leaf Pino Noir and headed to bed feeling MIGHTY proud of myself..... that is, until I couldn't sleep so I watched a movie and ate a box of Whoppers. Jeesh. Whatever.....

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