Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Okay, I think I should start over, cause I really don't know which day this is. Sigh... I've been so bad! I thought it would be fun to blog, and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep dieting without the motivation from my friends and family, so I started this blog! As it turns out, I'm not entirely sure I really like blogging! But, as my oh-so-kind cousin Teresa let me know, I am totally rude! I did beg for everyone to follow, and since I am seriously whitty and adorably funny in my blogs, I got you all hooked.... AND THEN LEFT YOU HANGING!!! I'm such a jerk. Well, here is what has been going on....

I got sick for a few days, and so I stopped dieting, and so I stopped blogging! Then, I got back on the diet for a couple days and then started my period. (I don't care who knows. I'm a 26 year old woman. I get periods.) And THAT was NOT fun. So I stopped dieting again, because all I wanted was Diet Coke, Ibuprofen and fudge. For three days. YIKES. Anyway, I got back on the horse last week, and dieting has been good! I can really feel the energy that I have spike when I'm doing well. Also, I've been taking Pheobe (aka: pheoburrito) to the dog park twice a week, and walking her EVERY night. YES! Every night! She loves it! And she's such a good walk-dog! She doesn't pull or anything, and she stays right by me! I love her. So, I've lost an additional 7 pounds. I lost a total of 9 the first week, but I put 6 back on with my fudge eater craze. (I pack on weight quick... it's sick....) Anyway, total I've lost about 12 pounds, give or take. I'm going to start blogging again, I promise! And I won't let you down again! Grrr... I'm such a jerk! :) OH! And from today, my friend Haylie and I are having a contest. We're going to Alaska in May, so we've decided to lose 20 Ibs before we go. The first 12 don't count, cause we just made this promis today. So I've got 20 Ibs and about 10 weeks! 2 Ibs a week is really do-able. Tally Ho!

1 comment:

  1. You are really witty, I enjoy your blog so much. You make me want to do better with my own goals and you come up with some great food options. Thank you and please keep bloging.
