Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hey Guys! Still no 'Day' Day. But I'll figure it out....

OK! Freakin good day yesterday! I wasn't able to take Pheobes on a walk, cause I was working from 630am to 1130pm... (literally... sometimes, having two or five jobs suck....) But! I did really well eating wise! I had a pb & j for lunch, but that's it for the cheat scale! A vanilla strawberry protein shake in the morning, 2 oz of chicken for snack and the cheat for lunch. You will NEVER guess what I had for dinner! Hahaha!!! Okay, I'll tell you. Asparagus. Like, JUST asparagus. Kind of a really unexplainable amount. :( !!! I guess that's not really bad, since asparagus IS a green veggie, and that's what this diet is all about, but GEESH! I don't know what came over me. It was kind of funny cause there were about 25 spears in the fridge from a previous dinner, so I loaded about 10 onto a plate and warmed them up while I was looking for some protein. But once I started munching on the asparagus spears, I just couldn't stop!!! :/ I put the rest of them on the plate and warmed those up too! Finished off the meal with a tall glass of water and that was that! Lol... I really like asparagus. Gross, right? Meh....

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