Thursday, February 25, 2010

Broken or whole, a Cookie never rejects you...

Hahahaha... the tag line is just an AWESOME quote I heard from the movie "Lying to be Perfect". It's a lifetime original and you can watch it online at Totally worth it, I think. It's true! A cookie never rejects you. :( Or a brownie. I'm really a brownie lover, myself. Anyway, my new attempt at regular excersize is that I've posted an ad on craigslist: Wanted: an equally overweight, twenty-something female walking partner. No responses yet, but I just posted this morning. And while we're on the excersize subject, the reason I said no excersize comments is not because I don't believe it's the answer. Of COURSE it's the answer. I'm not trying to find some magical mystical crazy way to suddenly be thin. I know the way to be thin: make healthy food decisions and EXCERSIZE. Which, I am trying to do. What I meant by the 'no excersize' comment is that I need something to do to distract me. I can eat while I'm working. I can eat at the library. I can eat when I'm walking. I can ALWAYS eat. I can't even think of a scenario where food is not an option. No matter what you are doing, you can always eat or snack. I want an alternative. Does that make sense? Eating is really emotional for me and when something happens to boost my emotions, I eat. I can't go jump on a treadmill in the middle of a work day, but I can grab a bag of chips. I can't do sit-ups on the library floor, but I can eat a cookie while I'm browsing. I know this is SUCH a bogus thing to be blogging about, but I just wanted to clarify what I meant. And I love my followers. I LOVE my followers! I just really wish some of you lived close enough to me to come on a walk with me. :( That's all.

Something really bad happened on Tuesday. I found out about it late that night. Which is why I spent the majority of Wednesday eating crap. I don't think I even had one bit of real food on Wednesday. I ate cake for breakfast, brownies for lunch and a homemade pizza (by homemade, I mean I ate a little bit of crust with my mountain of cheese) for dinner. I polished off the day with two glasses of wine. Yeah. Talk about emotional. And there's something about baking that really makes me feel better, which is where the cake and brownies came from. Okay, I always forget that people really read these, but I want you all to know that after the initial embarrassment that I ALWAYS feel, I am sooo happy for all of your helpful comments, texts and messages. THANK YOU!! I know I'm in a bit of a rut now, but I'll work my way out of it. I always do, but I've never had such an amazing support system. Love you guys!!!!

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