Monday, February 22, 2010

Day Something or other

I forgot to look at which day this was before I posted, so you get to figure it out! I did sooo good yesterday! I even went to McD's and got a SALAD. No, really! A salad! No burger, fries.... but I did get a diet coke. Still drinking crap, I know. Bad Michele! Anywho, a shake for bfast. Banana Strawberry Vanilla... YUM! For those of you that don't know, when I drink a shake, it's a protein shake. A ginormous bag of protein powder only costs like, $15 at Walmart and the same thing costs $60 elswhere, so I recommend Walmart. :) Anyway, I blend it with 2 scoops powder, 1 cup ice and 1 cup water (or milk substitute) and then any fruit I want. Usually banana. But I added strawberries this morning and THAT was a stroke of genius if I've ever had one. :) I forgot to weigh myself today. Forgot, or woke up feeling '1/2 a pan of brownies' fat, so I didn't want to. Either way, I didn't. So I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning and see if that helps. Oh, yes. Okay, bfast: shake, lunch: McD's Southwest salad (grilled chicken, no dressing. It comes with lime wedges so I squeezed those all over the salad and seriously, you guys. You really don't need dressing.) I wanted a fruit and yogurt parfait, but I resisted (and I'm still regretting it...). I didn't eat dinner til like, 1130 cause I was working. I shouldn't have eaten at all that late, but I was SO HUNGRY. That's what I get for being lazy and skipping my snacks. But I had spaghetti squash...(which, by the way, covered in meatsauce, you can't really even tell the difference). It was good! Totally wanted garlic bread, but again, I resisted and PREVAILED!!! Mostly just cause if I really wanted it, I would have to make it and it was 1130 at night! Who makes garlic bread at 1130 at night?.......... Okay, fat kids do. And I maybe have once or twice, but NOT last night! :) I even took Pheobes on a walk! Okay, it was only 15 minutes... but it was late and I was tired and something is better than nothing! Good day. I feel a great 'weigh day' coming on tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. yay!
    can't wait to read TOMORROWS blog to find out the weigh in results.
    i love you AGAIN.
    and garlic bread and what the freak in spaghetti squash?
    sounds nasty but i'm glad you liked it! :D
