Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 6: Oatmeal Cookies!!!

For those of you that are new to my blog, please read "Try the Diet Intro: Baring it All" and other 'try the diet' entries. You can click on the link to the left of this blog or scroll down to the bottom. Thanks!

OMG! Sooo.... Dawn was totally holding out on me. She suprised me today with oatmeal cookies that I'm actually allowed to eat! (only 1, but hey! it's a cookie!) And their soooo good! I will post the recipe as soon as she gives it to me. You'll love them! They're so good! I ate mine after lunch....
Breakfast was a little off the usual menu, but still legally on the diet, so I'm happy about that. I had my 2 poached egg whites, and 1/2 c of oatmeal with cinnamon and 1/2 of an apple, sliced and cooked tender in the oatmeal. It was so warm and filling and yummy! I skipped my snacks again today which I really need to stop doing cause I do get pretty hungry.... especially between lunch and dinner. Lunch was awesome! I had a buffalo chicken salad. Just mixed greens beneath a whole chicken breast marinated in hot sauce and sliced up. It was so friggin delicious. But I really wanted a cup of milk. :) But I didn't! I had water. Water is my best friend lately. I've never really been great at drinking lots of water and as a result I have really dry skin. But yesterday morning I woke up and my eyes were dry and scatchy and my mouth was clammy and gross.... I had to drink an entire bottle of water just to get back to semi-normal! Dawn said something about me eating good food now and my body needs it more than ever... I think it's because now my body isn't filled with fatty McDonald oil all the time. :) So anyway, I've been drinking LOADS of water each day and it's helped me with the hunger and the dry eyes. I hope my skin gets clearer too.... So anyway, then I got called in to work, so I didn't eat my evening snack either [:(] But when I got home I had a delicious baked potato, steamed asparagus and mushrooms and a big fat sirloin steak! YUM! Seriously, I am NOT suffering on this diet. Okay, maybe sometimes I am. But not tonight! Friggin delicious. Now if I could only top it off with another oatmeal cookie.... :) Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. yay!!!! :)
    no cheating todayyyyy! :D
    buen trabajo from marty!! ha
    he only wishes i would do this diet. ;)
