Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 4: Blaaaaaah!

New readers of my blog: Please read "Try the Diet: Baring it All" and the consequent daily blogs. You can click on the links to the left of this blog, or scroll to the bottom of the page. :)

First of all, I want to start out by saying a huge THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! to my followers and their comments! Ben, Erin and my sister CC. You guys seriously make me smile and I really love and appreciate your comments. BENJAMIN: I promise not to use the term 'fat girl' anymore, except for today, since I've actually already written the blog below and I'm only now editing it. :) Love you tho. You're amazing. ERIN: I totally agree about excersizing, and I'm definately starting a regimine. I took my dog for a walk yesterday, and getting ready to do the same today. Hopefully we'll go to the dog park and she'll learn to fetch....(she hates to fetch...) :] CELESTIAL: You're my favorite favorite. I love you. You were my FIRST comment and no one can take that away from you! YAY! And now.... on to the bad news.....

What. The. H. Pffff.... I'm so sad! So, I discovered that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I screwed up again. Big time this time. MAN! You'd think I could do ANYTHING for just 7 freakin days at least, right? Ugh... Well, for those of you that don't know, one of my jobs is making breakfast for and driving two 12 yr old girls to school every morning. Usually, I'm smart and I eat my bfast before making them their pancakes/waffles/cinnamon rolls or the like. Well.... this morning, they wanted crepes. I found a very simple crepe recipe a few weeks ago and made them stuffed with peaches, pears, strawberries or whatever. The girls LOVED them. So here I was on a TOTAL high, cause I weighed myself and found out that I had lost 8 POUNDS in 3 days. EIGHT POUNDS. This is not a joke. But instead of motivating me, all that did was make me go, "I've already lost 8 Ibs! I'm doing great! I can totally have a crepe and it won't even matter!". Rrr.... well, I ate the crepe. With strawberries and whipped cream. Which, honestly, wasn't too bad, cause I'm allowed the strawberries and whipped cream. But then... I ate another one. With peanut butter. PEANUT BUTTER CREPES ARE DELICOUS. But soooo not part of the diet. For reals.... there is like, WAY too much sodium in peanut butter. Hmph. Well, I certainly learned my lesson. I was hungry for the rest of the day. It didn't matter what I ate or how much.... I was so hungry! It's all because of those damn crepes. When I spoke to Dawn (my diet mentor) about it later, she said exactly what I thought she'd say. You see, if you're gonna cheat, do it at the end of the day. Breakfast is really important because if you eat the right foods, they will tide you over until the next meal. The wrong foods will fill you up, but you'll be craving food again sooner than you think. Boy was she right! Before 2pm, I had eaten both my snacks AND my lunch. It was AWFUL! Morning snack was yummy...2 oz pork and 1/2 cucumber, sliced. Lunch was yuck. Spinach, sweet potatoe and raisin salad with 4 jumbo shrimp on the side. It was all even yuckier than it sounds... bleh. But I choked it down cause it's good for me and I was HUNGRY! Then, about 20 mins after I ate my lunch, I just was NOT satisfied, so instead of going for something bad, I ate my second snack. Which was 2 oz roast chicken and 2 celery stalks.... but I put pb on the celery again (yikes!) and I put the chicken in a salad with mixed greans, ceasar dressing and......drumroll.....avocado! Geesh... when I screw up I really screw up. And I haven't even told you the worst part! Around 5pm my sweet tooth was just too overbearing so I ate a fun size snickers bar. Okay, I actually ate two. And that's still not the worst part. On my way home, there is a donut shop. I have no idea why I could not pass it by, but I just couldn't. :( I got 6 donuts and because it was the end of the day, she gave me two for free. I shoved two of them in my mouth immediately, and then another a few hours later. Ugh. I am such a fat girl. Do you know what I was thinking as I ate all of that? I was thinking, "I'm going to have to admit to all of this in my blog tomorrow." Grmph. Anyway, when I got home after the donut binge, I ate a very sensible dinner of 4 oz turkey cutlets and steamed green beans and brocolli. Okay, I always knew I like brocolli, but the only green beans I've ever really had were the canned ones. And they were okay if you smothered them butter and salt. Well, I had FRESH green beans, steamed VERY lightly...(if you steam or cook veggies too much, they loose a lot of the good stuff in them. Cook or steam your veggies just until they are glossy and bright. If they start to loose their color, you know they start to loose their nutients!) So my beans and brocolli were bright green and delicious! Very satisfying. But I still ate that 3rd donut later. Hmmm. So sorry that this day was a wreck, but I learned a valuable lesson: Breakfast Counts! Lol... Tomorrow is another day and I'm excited to climb back on my diet wagon. Oh! And as an aside, I did go for a 15 minute walk this morning! It was FREEZING! But I did it! :)

1 comment:

  1. MICHELE! you jump back on that diet wagon instantly. :)
    your doing so good.EIGHT FREAKIN POUNDS?????
    woahhhh sister. good job.

    and on a side note... mom told me your litttle jerkish move of going to arizona without me... you oughta be ashamed of yourself for thinking about doing that shady shady thing... when were you planning on going and being a rude sister???
