Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Try the Diet Intro: Baring it All

Hello! Confession: I'm a fat girl. No, seriously. And it isn't due to any crazy hormone or thyroid or anything like that. I'm a fairly healthy person in every way.... other than the fact that not only do I eat too much, I eat all the wrong things! My favorite treats are anything sugary, cakey, peanut-butter-chocolatey, caramely and I recently discovered the California Brittle from Sees. No joke: I bought 1 Ibs of the brittle to share with my friends (about 10 pieces) and I ate it all before the end of the day. I LOVE tootsie rolls, and have been known to eat not one, but TWO whole big bags of them in one sitting. About 3 days ago, I ordered a usual meal from McDonalds: 2 hot and spicey McChickens with tomato, 1 small fry and 1 fruit and yogurt parait. When I recieved my order, I noticed they had given me an extra sandwich. What did I do? I ate it. Everything. I ate it all. Then, on my way home I passed a cold stone and remembered a coupon I had for and ice cream. I couldn't resist. I mean, this was MINUTES after I had finished my McDonald binge, but the prospect of chewy, chocolatey, brownie fudge ice cream was just too good to resist. To be honest, it wasn't until about an hour later that I really felt anything. Of course, once I did finally feel like my stomach was touching my toes, I had an almost irrisistable urge to run to the bathroom and puke it all up. In fact, I probably should have. I gained 5 Ibs that day. No, really. I got on the scale just to make sure. 5 Ibs is a disgusting amount in a 24 hour period. Anyway, now that I've confessed my inner most sin, I have something to say. You know that inner person everyone says fat people have inside them? Their 'skinny person' who is just waiting to get out? I'm pretty sure I have an inner person, but she's probably just as fat as I am. :/ I mean, after all.... it's that tiny inner voice that's always convincing me that the 1 pound bag of Reece's Peices is really only a one time thing, so I can eat it all in an hour and it's not going to make a difference. Ugh. Okay, well I've tried dieting in the past, but I've never blogged about it. I don't know if this will make a difference, but I'm really hoping to gain some followers who will comment and keep me entertained and support me in my venture. I heard of this diet from my good friend, Dawn Starrett. I don't know if there are specific rules or anything, but I think it's similair to the South Beach Diet. Basically, from what I can take of it, I will be eating loads of leafy green veggies and protien. Nothing but water and tea to drink. A little bit of fruit, and minimal breads. Absolutely NO milk, yogurt, cheese or other dairy; at least for the first two weeks. Supposedly, if I follow this diet, I am garaunteed to drop 20 Ibs in the first 2 weeks. It sounds unhealthy to loose so much so fast, but I'm willing to try it. Please feel free to comment, question, or answer my blog.... I'm looking forward to it!



  1. I just need to say that the word I was supposed to type in to verify that I was a human being was "laclatin." There must be some hidden meaning or something.

  2. Michelle, you are freaking amazing!
