Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 1

First timers to my blog: Please read the 'Try the Diet Intro: Baring it All'. The link is located to the left of this display, or you can just scroll to the bottom of this page. :) Thanks!

Day one was yesterday, Monday, January 25th, 2009. For breakfast (8am) I had three egg whites and half of an enormous tomato, sliced. NO SALT or condiments of any kind. For snack (11am) I had 2 oz of turkey and 2 stalks of celery. Okay, this was not the easiest to eat. I really wanted some ranch dressing to dip everything in. Eating turkey plain just seems wrong. Anyway, I choked it down dry, along with the celery which really wasn't that bad. I enjoy celery cause of the crunch, I think. It did the trick; the trick being that I wasnt hungry. Hmmm.... For lunch (1:30 pm), I had an EXQUISITE salad. No joke... it was sooo yummy! All it was, was about a cup and a half of mixed greens, 2 oz of pork, 1/2 an avocado, and 1/2 of a regular potatoe; everything was chopped into bite size pieces and thrown together. No dressing needed! It was delicious! I think it was the avocado that really made it work without dressing. It gave it just enough moisture so I didn't even miss the dressing. Around 5pm I had my snack: 2 oz turkey and about 1/2 c peapods. I've never had pea pods before. Very interesting.... I put them in the fridge prior to eating them, so they were very cold and crisp. I think I like them. I loved the crunch every time I bit into one, and the taste was pretty good. It honestly did not feel natural, and I really wanted a slice of pizza, but again, I choked it down with a glass of water and when I was finished, I was truly, honest to God, not hungry anymore and able to resist the pizza. :) I sort of screwed up dinner, I think. (7:30 pm) 1 large chicken breast and 1/2 c of cooked Kale. I don't know if I spelled Kale right, but it's leafy green stuff and it reminded me of a cross between lettuce and spinach. Anyhow, it was alright and the chicken was marvelous. For desert, I had a fabulous fruit cup which consisted of: 3 chopped stawberries, 1/4 c blueberries, and 1/2 c whipped topping. The reason I say I may have screwed it up: I ate the dessert first. It was just too wonderful looking! And then, of course, when I had finished dinner, I craved something sweet and I just could not resist a chocolate chip cookie. Damn. An almost perfect day.... but not quite. :( Let's try again today, shall we?

Ps... I didn't do any excersizing yesterday. I need to start doing some dog walking for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Your meals actually sound really good. I'm going to copy you loL!
