Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 3: Hazzah!

New readers of my blog: please read my intro: Try the Diet: Baring it All, Day 1 and Day 2: I suck again! You can find the links to the left of this post, or just scroll to the bottom of this page. Thanks!

I did it! NO mistakes! Ok, I did NOT take the dog on a walk, or do any other form of excersize... BUT! I did not screw up! Yay! I'm sooo impressed with myself. You do not even KNOW the will power I had to summon, not to go straight to McD's after work today for a chicken sandwich and a coke. SERIOUSLY!! I was actually saying these words out loud in my car: "I'm going straight home. No stopping. Just turn right, not left, RIGHT. Go home. I'm going straight home." Hee.. hee. I'm SUCH a fat kid at heart. Seriously. :( Okay, so I started the day early today. (I have to work at 630 am every Wednesday.) So, instead of eggs, I made a banana protein shake. 1 (slightly brown) banana, 2 scoops protein powder, 1c ice and 1c water. I usually make this shake w milk, but since I have a NO DAIRY rule, I had to make due. It was still pretty good. Not as heavy and creamy, but eh! It was better than egg whites AGAIN! However, since I ate it so early, I was ready for my snack at 9am. 2 oz pork and 2 stalks celery. And then I remembered lunch. Ooooh... it was a hamburger salad today. Everything on a burger, but no bun and extra lettuce. Actually, it was mixed greens. So I started thinking about my 'lunch' right after my snack, and I was IMMEDIATELY hungry again. :( I waited as long as I could, but at 1115am, I could wait no longer. 1c mixed greens, 2oz turkey burger, cooked and chopped into bits, 2 slices tomato, chopped, 6 pickles, 1t mustard, mayo and ketchup. I really wanted another avocado, but me and avocados are through for a little while. ;) OH MY GOSH!! I'm telling you... eat this salad whenever you feel like a really yummy burger. I didn't even MISS the bun! I really truly felt like I had just eaten a huge burger! It was so yummy... Hmmmmmm.... I'm thinking about it right now.... :) I also had my 1/2 a sweet potatoe and that did wonders for my sweet cravings. Anyway, I went back to work on a full tummy and I really wasn't hungry until around 3pm. I found myself really really really wanting a fruit snack. In fact, I actually pulled one out the cupboard, intending on eating it and excusing it away because it was almost nothing.... until I read the nutrition facts. Who knew a tiny bag of fruit snacks had so much sugar and carbs in it? Eh... it was enough to make me put it back. I still wanted it, but I put it back. (Hazzah!) Then, I took out my 'allowed' snack of 2 oz turkey and 1/2c peapods. I'm starting to NOT like turkey, pork, celery and peapods. They are alright in moderation, but SERIOUSLY. I've had them for 3 days now, and I NEED A BREAK! Sigh... but a break I will not get. :( Anyway, when I got home (after NOT going to McD's... yay!) I was really hungry and in need of something sweet, NOW! So I ate my dessert first. Again. And I had to jet off to my second job at 5, so I ate dinner early. I had a chicken ceasar salad.... um... YUM. 1 whole chicken breast, cooked and cut into pieces, 1c mixed greens, 1/2c fresh spinach, 1 small tomato, chopped and 1T ceasar dressing. I'm sure ceasar dressing has some kind of dairy in it, but this tiny amount atop my delicious salad was NOT a cheat. NOT. :) It was almost as good as the burger salad... almost. Oh yes! Dessert first.... while the chicken was cooking, I chopped 4 strawberries, 1 little cup of jello (pre-packaged, sugar free strawberry jello), and about 1/4 c sugar free whipped cream. All piled into a tiny bowl, and slurped up VERY HAPPILY!!! Mmmm... whipped cream does wonders to things. SO good. :) Anyway, I didn't get off until 11pm, and I was REALLY craving a diet coke. (Actually, I wanted a beer and a cigarette, but I don't smoke or drink beer, so... diet coke!) Diet coke isn't so much 'against the rules' as it it 'discouraged'. So, since I hadn't had one all week, (and I usually have like, 12 a day), I was going to reward myself for good behavior. BUT! Before I could, a good friend of mine called from Colorado, and we chatted all the way home. I forgot about the Diet Coke! I guess I'm actually kind of happy about it, cause now I can call it a perfect day. Thanks Ryan! :)


  1. yayyyyyyyy! :)
    you did good.
    keep up the good work!:D
    i wish i could do that diet... NOT!
    sounds hard, you have more determination than me. ;)
    though i might add, i'm thinking about making a hamburger salad :)hah

  2. Awesome job!! I did the HCG diet last year and it is sooooo hard to keep on track!! Honestly my self-confidence went way up just because I did what I said I would do, not so much because of the lost weight. Although that was nice too :) Also I've noticed that when I take time to exercise (there's that word again) I actually don't feel the need to eat the extra cookie or whatever. It makes me feel healthier and more confident. Give it a try! Keep up the good work, I'm excited for you!
