Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 2: I suck again!

For those of you who are new to my blog, please read: "Try the Diet: Baring it All" and "Day 1". You can find the links to your left, or you can scroll to the bottom of the page.

You know, I'm starting to think all the times I've dieted before, maybe I cheated here and there until I ruined the whole diet, and that's why they've never worked. Huh. No matter. I'm going to do absolutely excellent today. No cheating whatsoever. As for yesterday, well, that's already done. The term 'salad' is becoming very broad in my head. Anything you eat can be chopped up into little bits and be called a salad. For breakfast, (8am) I had a spinich, tomato and egg salad. You would think this would otherwise be called an omelet, unless you saw it. 1/2 of a medium tomato and 1/2 c fresh spinach, along with 2 scrambled egg whites; all tossed into a salad. Then, around 11am I had my snack. Pork and celery salad. 2 oz of pork and 2 celery stalks all chopped up into little bits to create a 'salad'. It was suprisingly tasty....of course, this was one of my mess ups. I say one, because there were three. (Argg....) Around 1045, I was playing my guitar, in dreamland, and decided I was a little munchy. Not hungry, but munchy. You know, when your stomach could care less about food, but your mouth wants something, anything to chew? I turn around and BAM! There was a box of chocolates on the counter. Only the teenie tiniest of voices in my head told me maybe I shouldn't eat any, but I couldn't remember why! I opened the box and selected a dark chocolate square. It was only when the chocolate was half way to my mouth when I remembered my diet. Sigh. I took a bite anyway. For a brief second, I considered maybe just stopping at half the chocolate, but as I was on the way to the fridge for my proper snack of pork and celery, I popped the other half in my mouth. It was wonderfully sinful. :) For lunch, around 2pm, I was really craving something sweet again! Thank goodness, I had packed myself half of a sweet potatoe. I love sweet potatos. Usually, I love them smothered in butter and brown sugar with golden marshmallows ontop... but that's not exactly part of the diet. Nope, just half of a baked sweet potatoe with 1 c of fresh spinach, 3 jumbo shrimp and 1/2 an avocado. The avocado wasn't exactly part of the diet, but it looked so lonely in my fridge. It had also started to brown, since I'd cut the other half the day before, and no one likes a brown avocado. Anyway, I chopped the lot and it all went into the salad. It wasn't bad, but I think next time I'll eat the shrimp seperately and let the avocado brown. But the moist sweet potatoe really would have been enough with the fresh spinach. It got rid of my sweet craving and I was sooo full! Then around 5pm, I was getting munchy again... (I don't think I've been truly 'hungry' since my McD's binge... :[) and I spotted a fresh pear on the counter. Ah! Pears are NOT part of the diet. The only fruit I'm allowed to have is berries, and very little. I ate the pear. I'm so weak. Then I was still munchy, so I had my snack of 1/2 c pea pods and 2 oz turkey. I really don't like turkey on it's own, I've decided. It's just too dry. I had to choke it down with a glass of water. The pea pods were nice, tho. I think I really like them. Okay, so my last screw up diet-wise.... some of you know that I am a nanny for a living. Well, Matthew (the little boy I nanny) was eating pizza for dinner. I always cut the slices in half, since they are too big for his 3 year old mouth.... and he didn't want his second half. There it was, all gooey and cheesy and warm goodness, just sitting on the counter. After the first two bites I felt so guilty I almost threw the whole thing away. Almost. But in the end, I'm a fat kid, and I ate it. Hmph. At least it wasn't a whole peice. Needless to say, when dinner came around, (730ish) I found I wasn't in the least bit hungry or munchy. So I skipped it. Not good, but not bad either, considering how much I'd eaten before. I thought VERY hard about getting on the treadmill for at least 10 mins. But, as I had to work at 6am this morning, I wasn't very motivated. :( Okay, I'm going to do awesome today, just you wait! Excersize, great food, NO CHEATING. I swear it. :)