Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 6: Oatmeal Cookies!!!

For those of you that are new to my blog, please read "Try the Diet Intro: Baring it All" and other 'try the diet' entries. You can click on the link to the left of this blog or scroll down to the bottom. Thanks!

OMG! Sooo.... Dawn was totally holding out on me. She suprised me today with oatmeal cookies that I'm actually allowed to eat! (only 1, but hey! it's a cookie!) And their soooo good! I will post the recipe as soon as she gives it to me. You'll love them! They're so good! I ate mine after lunch....
Breakfast was a little off the usual menu, but still legally on the diet, so I'm happy about that. I had my 2 poached egg whites, and 1/2 c of oatmeal with cinnamon and 1/2 of an apple, sliced and cooked tender in the oatmeal. It was so warm and filling and yummy! I skipped my snacks again today which I really need to stop doing cause I do get pretty hungry.... especially between lunch and dinner. Lunch was awesome! I had a buffalo chicken salad. Just mixed greens beneath a whole chicken breast marinated in hot sauce and sliced up. It was so friggin delicious. But I really wanted a cup of milk. :) But I didn't! I had water. Water is my best friend lately. I've never really been great at drinking lots of water and as a result I have really dry skin. But yesterday morning I woke up and my eyes were dry and scatchy and my mouth was clammy and gross.... I had to drink an entire bottle of water just to get back to semi-normal! Dawn said something about me eating good food now and my body needs it more than ever... I think it's because now my body isn't filled with fatty McDonald oil all the time. :) So anyway, I've been drinking LOADS of water each day and it's helped me with the hunger and the dry eyes. I hope my skin gets clearer too.... So anyway, then I got called in to work, so I didn't eat my evening snack either [:(] But when I got home I had a delicious baked potato, steamed asparagus and mushrooms and a big fat sirloin steak! YUM! Seriously, I am NOT suffering on this diet. Okay, maybe sometimes I am. But not tonight! Friggin delicious. Now if I could only top it off with another oatmeal cookie.... :) Cheers!

Day 5

For new readers to my blog: Please read: "Try the Diet Intro: Baring it All" and the rest of my blogs Days 1-4. You can find the links to the left of this blog, or just scroll to the bottom.

Ahahahaha! I am so going to be super skinny super fast. Today was actually kind of hard, being that it was my day off, so I didn't prepackage any of my meals. It's a lot harder when you make it up as you go! Anyway, I had an awesome breakfast: a simple tomato and egg white omelet. And then I skipped my snack, cause I was super busy AND just didn't need it. It's amazing how long you can go between meals when you eat something that's good for you. Anyway, around noon I had an amazing lunch: 1 whole chicken breast, 1/2 cup edamame and 1/2 cucumber drizzled with 1T rice vinager. I've never had edamame before! I don't even think I'm spelling it right! But ooooh.... it was sooo good! I think most people put lots of salt on it, but I can't think why. I had just steamed them slightly in water and then popped them open and ate them. Friggin GOOOOOD! And they were so naturally salty that I don't think I would have liked them with more salt. The cucumber was interesting with the vinager. I could really taste it and I liked it and the chicken pulled the rest of it together. I didn't eat my evening snack either, but mostly because I was busy running errands all evening again too. I should have eaten it, because I did start to get hungry around 5pm, but we were shopping! (I love shopping....) Anyway, Dinner was buffalo wings, salad and celery. The buffalo wings are a bit of a stretch, but it's Friday! :) All in all it was a great day, and I even got some excersize it! (walking around the Centennial Hills outdoor mall and trying on clothes for an hour is DEFINATELY excersize.) :] Just another day in paradise! The end.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 4: Blaaaaaah!

New readers of my blog: Please read "Try the Diet: Baring it All" and the consequent daily blogs. You can click on the links to the left of this blog, or scroll to the bottom of the page. :)

First of all, I want to start out by saying a huge THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! to my followers and their comments! Ben, Erin and my sister CC. You guys seriously make me smile and I really love and appreciate your comments. BENJAMIN: I promise not to use the term 'fat girl' anymore, except for today, since I've actually already written the blog below and I'm only now editing it. :) Love you tho. You're amazing. ERIN: I totally agree about excersizing, and I'm definately starting a regimine. I took my dog for a walk yesterday, and getting ready to do the same today. Hopefully we'll go to the dog park and she'll learn to fetch....(she hates to fetch...) :] CELESTIAL: You're my favorite favorite. I love you. You were my FIRST comment and no one can take that away from you! YAY! And now.... on to the bad news.....

What. The. H. Pffff.... I'm so sad! So, I discovered that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I screwed up again. Big time this time. MAN! You'd think I could do ANYTHING for just 7 freakin days at least, right? Ugh... Well, for those of you that don't know, one of my jobs is making breakfast for and driving two 12 yr old girls to school every morning. Usually, I'm smart and I eat my bfast before making them their pancakes/waffles/cinnamon rolls or the like. Well.... this morning, they wanted crepes. I found a very simple crepe recipe a few weeks ago and made them stuffed with peaches, pears, strawberries or whatever. The girls LOVED them. So here I was on a TOTAL high, cause I weighed myself and found out that I had lost 8 POUNDS in 3 days. EIGHT POUNDS. This is not a joke. But instead of motivating me, all that did was make me go, "I've already lost 8 Ibs! I'm doing great! I can totally have a crepe and it won't even matter!". Rrr.... well, I ate the crepe. With strawberries and whipped cream. Which, honestly, wasn't too bad, cause I'm allowed the strawberries and whipped cream. But then... I ate another one. With peanut butter. PEANUT BUTTER CREPES ARE DELICOUS. But soooo not part of the diet. For reals.... there is like, WAY too much sodium in peanut butter. Hmph. Well, I certainly learned my lesson. I was hungry for the rest of the day. It didn't matter what I ate or how much.... I was so hungry! It's all because of those damn crepes. When I spoke to Dawn (my diet mentor) about it later, she said exactly what I thought she'd say. You see, if you're gonna cheat, do it at the end of the day. Breakfast is really important because if you eat the right foods, they will tide you over until the next meal. The wrong foods will fill you up, but you'll be craving food again sooner than you think. Boy was she right! Before 2pm, I had eaten both my snacks AND my lunch. It was AWFUL! Morning snack was yummy...2 oz pork and 1/2 cucumber, sliced. Lunch was yuck. Spinach, sweet potatoe and raisin salad with 4 jumbo shrimp on the side. It was all even yuckier than it sounds... bleh. But I choked it down cause it's good for me and I was HUNGRY! Then, about 20 mins after I ate my lunch, I just was NOT satisfied, so instead of going for something bad, I ate my second snack. Which was 2 oz roast chicken and 2 celery stalks.... but I put pb on the celery again (yikes!) and I put the chicken in a salad with mixed greans, ceasar dressing and......drumroll.....avocado! Geesh... when I screw up I really screw up. And I haven't even told you the worst part! Around 5pm my sweet tooth was just too overbearing so I ate a fun size snickers bar. Okay, I actually ate two. And that's still not the worst part. On my way home, there is a donut shop. I have no idea why I could not pass it by, but I just couldn't. :( I got 6 donuts and because it was the end of the day, she gave me two for free. I shoved two of them in my mouth immediately, and then another a few hours later. Ugh. I am such a fat girl. Do you know what I was thinking as I ate all of that? I was thinking, "I'm going to have to admit to all of this in my blog tomorrow." Grmph. Anyway, when I got home after the donut binge, I ate a very sensible dinner of 4 oz turkey cutlets and steamed green beans and brocolli. Okay, I always knew I like brocolli, but the only green beans I've ever really had were the canned ones. And they were okay if you smothered them butter and salt. Well, I had FRESH green beans, steamed VERY lightly...(if you steam or cook veggies too much, they loose a lot of the good stuff in them. Cook or steam your veggies just until they are glossy and bright. If they start to loose their color, you know they start to loose their nutients!) So my beans and brocolli were bright green and delicious! Very satisfying. But I still ate that 3rd donut later. Hmmm. So sorry that this day was a wreck, but I learned a valuable lesson: Breakfast Counts! Lol... Tomorrow is another day and I'm excited to climb back on my diet wagon. Oh! And as an aside, I did go for a 15 minute walk this morning! It was FREEZING! But I did it! :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 3: Hazzah!

New readers of my blog: please read my intro: Try the Diet: Baring it All, Day 1 and Day 2: I suck again! You can find the links to the left of this post, or just scroll to the bottom of this page. Thanks!

I did it! NO mistakes! Ok, I did NOT take the dog on a walk, or do any other form of excersize... BUT! I did not screw up! Yay! I'm sooo impressed with myself. You do not even KNOW the will power I had to summon, not to go straight to McD's after work today for a chicken sandwich and a coke. SERIOUSLY!! I was actually saying these words out loud in my car: "I'm going straight home. No stopping. Just turn right, not left, RIGHT. Go home. I'm going straight home." Hee.. hee. I'm SUCH a fat kid at heart. Seriously. :( Okay, so I started the day early today. (I have to work at 630 am every Wednesday.) So, instead of eggs, I made a banana protein shake. 1 (slightly brown) banana, 2 scoops protein powder, 1c ice and 1c water. I usually make this shake w milk, but since I have a NO DAIRY rule, I had to make due. It was still pretty good. Not as heavy and creamy, but eh! It was better than egg whites AGAIN! However, since I ate it so early, I was ready for my snack at 9am. 2 oz pork and 2 stalks celery. And then I remembered lunch. Ooooh... it was a hamburger salad today. Everything on a burger, but no bun and extra lettuce. Actually, it was mixed greens. So I started thinking about my 'lunch' right after my snack, and I was IMMEDIATELY hungry again. :( I waited as long as I could, but at 1115am, I could wait no longer. 1c mixed greens, 2oz turkey burger, cooked and chopped into bits, 2 slices tomato, chopped, 6 pickles, 1t mustard, mayo and ketchup. I really wanted another avocado, but me and avocados are through for a little while. ;) OH MY GOSH!! I'm telling you... eat this salad whenever you feel like a really yummy burger. I didn't even MISS the bun! I really truly felt like I had just eaten a huge burger! It was so yummy... Hmmmmmm.... I'm thinking about it right now.... :) I also had my 1/2 a sweet potatoe and that did wonders for my sweet cravings. Anyway, I went back to work on a full tummy and I really wasn't hungry until around 3pm. I found myself really really really wanting a fruit snack. In fact, I actually pulled one out the cupboard, intending on eating it and excusing it away because it was almost nothing.... until I read the nutrition facts. Who knew a tiny bag of fruit snacks had so much sugar and carbs in it? Eh... it was enough to make me put it back. I still wanted it, but I put it back. (Hazzah!) Then, I took out my 'allowed' snack of 2 oz turkey and 1/2c peapods. I'm starting to NOT like turkey, pork, celery and peapods. They are alright in moderation, but SERIOUSLY. I've had them for 3 days now, and I NEED A BREAK! Sigh... but a break I will not get. :( Anyway, when I got home (after NOT going to McD's... yay!) I was really hungry and in need of something sweet, NOW! So I ate my dessert first. Again. And I had to jet off to my second job at 5, so I ate dinner early. I had a chicken ceasar salad.... um... YUM. 1 whole chicken breast, cooked and cut into pieces, 1c mixed greens, 1/2c fresh spinach, 1 small tomato, chopped and 1T ceasar dressing. I'm sure ceasar dressing has some kind of dairy in it, but this tiny amount atop my delicious salad was NOT a cheat. NOT. :) It was almost as good as the burger salad... almost. Oh yes! Dessert first.... while the chicken was cooking, I chopped 4 strawberries, 1 little cup of jello (pre-packaged, sugar free strawberry jello), and about 1/4 c sugar free whipped cream. All piled into a tiny bowl, and slurped up VERY HAPPILY!!! Mmmm... whipped cream does wonders to things. SO good. :) Anyway, I didn't get off until 11pm, and I was REALLY craving a diet coke. (Actually, I wanted a beer and a cigarette, but I don't smoke or drink beer, so... diet coke!) Diet coke isn't so much 'against the rules' as it it 'discouraged'. So, since I hadn't had one all week, (and I usually have like, 12 a day), I was going to reward myself for good behavior. BUT! Before I could, a good friend of mine called from Colorado, and we chatted all the way home. I forgot about the Diet Coke! I guess I'm actually kind of happy about it, cause now I can call it a perfect day. Thanks Ryan! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 2: I suck again!

For those of you who are new to my blog, please read: "Try the Diet: Baring it All" and "Day 1". You can find the links to your left, or you can scroll to the bottom of the page.

You know, I'm starting to think all the times I've dieted before, maybe I cheated here and there until I ruined the whole diet, and that's why they've never worked. Huh. No matter. I'm going to do absolutely excellent today. No cheating whatsoever. As for yesterday, well, that's already done. The term 'salad' is becoming very broad in my head. Anything you eat can be chopped up into little bits and be called a salad. For breakfast, (8am) I had a spinich, tomato and egg salad. You would think this would otherwise be called an omelet, unless you saw it. 1/2 of a medium tomato and 1/2 c fresh spinach, along with 2 scrambled egg whites; all tossed into a salad. Then, around 11am I had my snack. Pork and celery salad. 2 oz of pork and 2 celery stalks all chopped up into little bits to create a 'salad'. It was suprisingly tasty....of course, this was one of my mess ups. I say one, because there were three. (Argg....) Around 1045, I was playing my guitar, in dreamland, and decided I was a little munchy. Not hungry, but munchy. You know, when your stomach could care less about food, but your mouth wants something, anything to chew? I turn around and BAM! There was a box of chocolates on the counter. Only the teenie tiniest of voices in my head told me maybe I shouldn't eat any, but I couldn't remember why! I opened the box and selected a dark chocolate square. It was only when the chocolate was half way to my mouth when I remembered my diet. Sigh. I took a bite anyway. For a brief second, I considered maybe just stopping at half the chocolate, but as I was on the way to the fridge for my proper snack of pork and celery, I popped the other half in my mouth. It was wonderfully sinful. :) For lunch, around 2pm, I was really craving something sweet again! Thank goodness, I had packed myself half of a sweet potatoe. I love sweet potatos. Usually, I love them smothered in butter and brown sugar with golden marshmallows ontop... but that's not exactly part of the diet. Nope, just half of a baked sweet potatoe with 1 c of fresh spinach, 3 jumbo shrimp and 1/2 an avocado. The avocado wasn't exactly part of the diet, but it looked so lonely in my fridge. It had also started to brown, since I'd cut the other half the day before, and no one likes a brown avocado. Anyway, I chopped the lot and it all went into the salad. It wasn't bad, but I think next time I'll eat the shrimp seperately and let the avocado brown. But the moist sweet potatoe really would have been enough with the fresh spinach. It got rid of my sweet craving and I was sooo full! Then around 5pm, I was getting munchy again... (I don't think I've been truly 'hungry' since my McD's binge... :[) and I spotted a fresh pear on the counter. Ah! Pears are NOT part of the diet. The only fruit I'm allowed to have is berries, and very little. I ate the pear. I'm so weak. Then I was still munchy, so I had my snack of 1/2 c pea pods and 2 oz turkey. I really don't like turkey on it's own, I've decided. It's just too dry. I had to choke it down with a glass of water. The pea pods were nice, tho. I think I really like them. Okay, so my last screw up diet-wise.... some of you know that I am a nanny for a living. Well, Matthew (the little boy I nanny) was eating pizza for dinner. I always cut the slices in half, since they are too big for his 3 year old mouth.... and he didn't want his second half. There it was, all gooey and cheesy and warm goodness, just sitting on the counter. After the first two bites I felt so guilty I almost threw the whole thing away. Almost. But in the end, I'm a fat kid, and I ate it. Hmph. At least it wasn't a whole peice. Needless to say, when dinner came around, (730ish) I found I wasn't in the least bit hungry or munchy. So I skipped it. Not good, but not bad either, considering how much I'd eaten before. I thought VERY hard about getting on the treadmill for at least 10 mins. But, as I had to work at 6am this morning, I wasn't very motivated. :( Okay, I'm going to do awesome today, just you wait! Excersize, great food, NO CHEATING. I swear it. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 1

First timers to my blog: Please read the 'Try the Diet Intro: Baring it All'. The link is located to the left of this display, or you can just scroll to the bottom of this page. :) Thanks!

Day one was yesterday, Monday, January 25th, 2009. For breakfast (8am) I had three egg whites and half of an enormous tomato, sliced. NO SALT or condiments of any kind. For snack (11am) I had 2 oz of turkey and 2 stalks of celery. Okay, this was not the easiest to eat. I really wanted some ranch dressing to dip everything in. Eating turkey plain just seems wrong. Anyway, I choked it down dry, along with the celery which really wasn't that bad. I enjoy celery cause of the crunch, I think. It did the trick; the trick being that I wasnt hungry. Hmmm.... For lunch (1:30 pm), I had an EXQUISITE salad. No joke... it was sooo yummy! All it was, was about a cup and a half of mixed greens, 2 oz of pork, 1/2 an avocado, and 1/2 of a regular potatoe; everything was chopped into bite size pieces and thrown together. No dressing needed! It was delicious! I think it was the avocado that really made it work without dressing. It gave it just enough moisture so I didn't even miss the dressing. Around 5pm I had my snack: 2 oz turkey and about 1/2 c peapods. I've never had pea pods before. Very interesting.... I put them in the fridge prior to eating them, so they were very cold and crisp. I think I like them. I loved the crunch every time I bit into one, and the taste was pretty good. It honestly did not feel natural, and I really wanted a slice of pizza, but again, I choked it down with a glass of water and when I was finished, I was truly, honest to God, not hungry anymore and able to resist the pizza. :) I sort of screwed up dinner, I think. (7:30 pm) 1 large chicken breast and 1/2 c of cooked Kale. I don't know if I spelled Kale right, but it's leafy green stuff and it reminded me of a cross between lettuce and spinach. Anyhow, it was alright and the chicken was marvelous. For desert, I had a fabulous fruit cup which consisted of: 3 chopped stawberries, 1/4 c blueberries, and 1/2 c whipped topping. The reason I say I may have screwed it up: I ate the dessert first. It was just too wonderful looking! And then, of course, when I had finished dinner, I craved something sweet and I just could not resist a chocolate chip cookie. Damn. An almost perfect day.... but not quite. :( Let's try again today, shall we?

Ps... I didn't do any excersizing yesterday. I need to start doing some dog walking for sure.

Try the Diet Intro: Baring it All

Hello! Confession: I'm a fat girl. No, seriously. And it isn't due to any crazy hormone or thyroid or anything like that. I'm a fairly healthy person in every way.... other than the fact that not only do I eat too much, I eat all the wrong things! My favorite treats are anything sugary, cakey, peanut-butter-chocolatey, caramely and I recently discovered the California Brittle from Sees. No joke: I bought 1 Ibs of the brittle to share with my friends (about 10 pieces) and I ate it all before the end of the day. I LOVE tootsie rolls, and have been known to eat not one, but TWO whole big bags of them in one sitting. About 3 days ago, I ordered a usual meal from McDonalds: 2 hot and spicey McChickens with tomato, 1 small fry and 1 fruit and yogurt parait. When I recieved my order, I noticed they had given me an extra sandwich. What did I do? I ate it. Everything. I ate it all. Then, on my way home I passed a cold stone and remembered a coupon I had for and ice cream. I couldn't resist. I mean, this was MINUTES after I had finished my McDonald binge, but the prospect of chewy, chocolatey, brownie fudge ice cream was just too good to resist. To be honest, it wasn't until about an hour later that I really felt anything. Of course, once I did finally feel like my stomach was touching my toes, I had an almost irrisistable urge to run to the bathroom and puke it all up. In fact, I probably should have. I gained 5 Ibs that day. No, really. I got on the scale just to make sure. 5 Ibs is a disgusting amount in a 24 hour period. Anyway, now that I've confessed my inner most sin, I have something to say. You know that inner person everyone says fat people have inside them? Their 'skinny person' who is just waiting to get out? I'm pretty sure I have an inner person, but she's probably just as fat as I am. :/ I mean, after all.... it's that tiny inner voice that's always convincing me that the 1 pound bag of Reece's Peices is really only a one time thing, so I can eat it all in an hour and it's not going to make a difference. Ugh. Okay, well I've tried dieting in the past, but I've never blogged about it. I don't know if this will make a difference, but I'm really hoping to gain some followers who will comment and keep me entertained and support me in my venture. I heard of this diet from my good friend, Dawn Starrett. I don't know if there are specific rules or anything, but I think it's similair to the South Beach Diet. Basically, from what I can take of it, I will be eating loads of leafy green veggies and protien. Nothing but water and tea to drink. A little bit of fruit, and minimal breads. Absolutely NO milk, yogurt, cheese or other dairy; at least for the first two weeks. Supposedly, if I follow this diet, I am garaunteed to drop 20 Ibs in the first 2 weeks. It sounds unhealthy to loose so much so fast, but I'm willing to try it. Please feel free to comment, question, or answer my blog.... I'm looking forward to it!
