Monday, July 8, 2013


So, if you've read my previous blogs, you know that my sister and I are doing a bikini body challenge. OH. EMM. GEE. I have not been trying. Well....that's not entirely true. I have been cooking many more home made meals. But that's just because fast food is not so readily accessible as it was in Phoenix or Vegas. But I have done NO excersize. Unless you count all the drunk walks home from the bar, which I DO....(because there are MANY). Anyway, we started this challenge about a month ago, and I weighed in at....DRUM ROLL PLEASE....I'M SERIOUSLY ABOUT TO SAY IT....THIS IS BARING ALL, FOLKS....261! No, seriously. Two friggin hundred and sixty friggin one pounds. Well, I SHOCKED myself today when stepping on the scale and seeing the number 246. 246! I've lost 15 pounds! I couldn't believe it. It made me actually want to TRY! I know I can lose more weight. I know I can do it better. I know I can be healthier. This blog has gone on long enough. I'm going to the lose the weight, and turn this blog into a healthy eating blog. I'm so cool. YASSSS! (I SAY my yes's with an A, so I think I should start spelling them that way. It's more accurate. And I am not a liar.) On a side note, I was totally going to write a blog for the fourth of July, but then I went to watch the fireworks and sing 'Merican songs instead. :D These are pics from the beginning of the night. My phone died before we could document the true Red White and Blue Debauchery!

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