Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bikini Day!

Hi. I've lost some weight. SOME weight. Not a lot. In my case, it's very little. 22 lbs. Yeah, I know.... great job Michele! However, when you start at 269, 22 pounds later is still 244. And honestly, I feel my clothes fitting differently, but they are still the same size clothes. No one even notices. I think I can kind of see a difference in my face.... anyway, it can get kind of frustrating. But I just keep doing what I'm doing. I feel a lot better, that's for damn sure. My roomies and I decided to have a 'family day' at the lake, and it was SO MUCH FUN! We donned our bikini's (except for Eric. Being 'the dude' of the house, he opted for shorts. Lame.), and had ourselves a bonafide lake day. Yup. It was awesome. Until Haylie decided to pull us all under water while Eric photographed it. (Bitch. Love her.) Anyway, the results are below. As you can see, I am still far from Bikini ready, but you know what? I'm thankful for my body. I love it. I am heading full speed toward victory in this weight loss battle, and it FEELS FREAKING GOOD! :D

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