Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whine, wine, unwind.

So.... the thing is, I haven't been doing anything healthy as of late. And on top of that, I've begun indulging on drinking wine whenever I need to unwind... (which is quite often lately!) I freakin LOVE the feeling of having a glass or two of wine, relaxing on my couch, listening to soft music and blogging. Yum. FAVORITE. What I don't like, is that whenever I have an emotional moment, I turn to the ever dreaded "Spicy McChicken" from Mickie Ds. I LOVE this sandwich. It's like my evil NEMESIS!!! I totally got stood up tonight. NOT a great feeling. And what did I do? Well, it was a TWO mcchicken night. Only one glass of wine, but I started the night with two screwdrivers. Actually, I'd kill for a friggin cigarette right now, but that's another dirty habit I need to chuck. Oh, for dirty habits.

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